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Useful Background Information:
Website Navigation Guide
11x17 Site Overview
NBSD Software Library - Brief Introduction
General Users Guide - Software Tools
Caveat Emptor (Buyers Beware)
Credits and Acknowledgements
Please Note:
NBSD-Software. com software tools are Excel spreadsheets meant for analysis, design, and detailing of structural elements for building structures, almost exclusively for lateral loads (EQ or Wind).
These software tools use locked cells to protect content, providing access to unlocked cells only (in yellow cells) where Users can input all relevant data for each software tool.
Future revisions might include (non editable) access to locked cells, but currently this is not the case.
However, upon request after the purchase of NBSD-Software.com software tools (using e-mail on Users Guide provided for each software tool), request for (non edit) access to locked cells will be considered and provided asap on a case by case basis.
Work in Progress:
Revision/update of Steel and Concrete LFRS RDA - EQ Models (first worksheet for building input, etc), including Metric versions (Done).
Revision/update to RC SMRF software tool and User’s Guide for ACI 318-11 and 14 versions (Done).
Creation of RC slab-column connection for RC Shear Wall buildings for ACI 318-11 and 14 versions (Done).
Metric version of RC SMRF software tool and User’s Guide for ACI 318-14 (Done).
Metric version of RC Beam with Torsion and User’s Guide for ACI 318-14 (Done).
Revision/update of SAP2000 analysis in Case Studies for Steel LFRS RDA - EQ software tool (Done).
Revision/update of SAP2000 analysis in Case Studies for Concrete LFRS RDA - EQ software tool (Done).