FDA EQ Loads to LFRS Gridlines
Description of Software Tool:
The above referenced Excel Software Tool is provided for the determination of Earthquake Loads to Lateral Force Resisting System (LFRS) elements (shear walls, frames, panels, etc) in wood framed buildings using flexible (wood framed) diaphragms in seismic regions, assuming Flexible Diaphragm Assumptions (FDA).
Two worksheets are used in this software tool to determine EQ Loads at LFRS Gridlines. The first one is used to determine the seismic data for the building, which once done, shows in the second worksheet the resulting floor accelerations used to determine Story Forces and Shears at LFRS Gridlines for the building being evaluated. The second worksheet requires, using the template for the number of floors in the building (2-6), User input of floor and wall segment tributary data at LFRS Gridlines, and subsequent verification of input data once all tributary load data is entered.
The following worksheets are included within this Software Tool:
Code Level Story Forces (ASCE 7 Seismic Loads)
2-6 Story Bldg EQ Loads (Templates provided for each number of stories);
Users Guide to Software Tool - Page 1 (Brief Description)