RC LFRS Rigid Diaphragm Analysis - EQ Loads (Metric Units)
Description of Software Tool:
The above referenced Excel Software Tools are provided for determination of seismic loads to Reinforced Concrete (RC) Lateral Force Resisting System (LFRS) elements in Simple Buildings assuming Rigid Diaphragm Analysis (RDA) assumptions, where loads are distributed to resisting elements according to their relative stiffness and location away from the Center of Rotation (COR) of the rigid diaphragm. RC elements may be either Shear Walls or Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) beams and columns. These software tools use Metric (MPa or Mks – Kgf/cm2) Units.
Earthquake loads (EQ) are transferred by an RC Slab (at any particular Floor Level within a building up to 20 Stories) per RDA assumptions to up to 32 RC LFRS elements in both orthogonal directions within the specified diaphragm; the User is permitted to use a stiffness value derived elsewhere (perforated or oblique walls, etc) for individual elements, but otherwise the stiffness of specified rectangular elements are calculated internally. The Rigid Diaphragm is a Reinforced Concrete (RC) slab of uniform thickness, defined in up to three rectangular sections to allow for simple horizontal irregularities (L, T, etc).
This Software Tools consists of the following Design Worksheets included within:
Users Guide to Software Tool - Page 1 (Brief Description)